Kate Martin - ATBodySense director and Alexander Technique practitioner.

Kate is a founding director of ATBodySense and a fully qualified Alexander Technique practitioner.

Combining Alexander Technique and yoga, Kate is focused on helping clients with pain management, injury and illness rehabilitation and performance enhancement.

Having over 15 years experience working with individuals and groups of all ages, Kate is committed to helping her clients achieve a sense of well-being and pursue their goals.

Kate is registered with the Australian Society of Alexander Technique as a fully-qualified Alexander Technique practitioner. Kate also has a Bachelor of Music Performance from the Victorian College of the Arts.

Alexander Technique teaches you to locate and eliminate unnecessary patterns of muscular tension and collapse throughout the body. Your Alexander Technique practitioner will guide you through movements that establish new neurological pathways and effect fundamental change in the whole system.Through teaching effective ways of using your body, Alexander Technique can help prevent pain, poor posture and inhibited movement as well as unlock the potential for your body to perform more efficiently and dynamically. 

Whether you are recovering from injury, illness or looking to enhance your performance, being aware of postural tension is the first step. Alexander Technique teaches you to use your body more efficiently and bring an awareness that leaves you free to take a step forward in your recovery or performance enhancement.  

Kate’s website is ATBodySense

Book via Kate’s website or info@atbodysense.com.au or call 0421760092